School Reopen Feb 1, 2022 […]
Al Qalam International School, a unit of Qalam group of Institutions continue it’s journey in reaching out to the needy people and delivering rice kits at their doors. ALQALAMIANS firmly believe that there is nothing much bigger in this world […]
Al Qalam International School has been continuesly reaching out to the needy doors to meet them and deliver rice bags as temporary relief at this difficult hours of lockdown. We understand the pain and agony of common people especially the […]
An ‘ Inter-Class Football Match’ was held for Grade 4th to 7th in the school compound.The main focus of holding such friendly trail match was to break the monotony and rejuvenate them rather than giving them a competition feel. The […]
Successfully conducted our fourth Open house meeting. ‘An occasion to cement and strengthen the existing bond’Parent- Teacher Meeting (PTM) is the most important event in any Schools. It gives teachers and parents, an opportunity to connect and bond for the […]
Abdul Quddoos Azhari, aqis, Mr. Bhoopathy Raja, Mrs. Pavitha Devdos., Ms. Mekhala, Republic Day
AQIS, Republic Day
AQIS-CBSE has celebrated 71st Republic Day, Commemorating the historic moment when our nation became an independent republic country. Republic Day honors the day when the constitution of India came into effect. National Flag Hoisting was done by Mr. Shiva Kumar, […]
AlQalamInternationalSchoolCBSE, alqalamschoolpgm, aqis, Arabic Competition
AQIS, Arabic Competition
Our lovely kids disply their Certificates of Participation received at Inter School Level Arabic Competition held in Tassimbeevi Abdul Kader College for Women on World Arabic Day. #AlQalamInternationalSchoolCBSE#Perungulam #Ramanathapuram […]
AlQalamInternationalSchoolCBSE, alqalamschoolpgm, aqis, Archery Championship, CertificateofParticipation
AQIS, Archery Championship
Our lovely kids Abhirat Maleeha, Safiya Jahan, Shakthi Vidhooshan, Imamudheen, Shahid Ali, Hemashree, Shifahathullah, Thukilan, Muhslis and Sudhikshankaja display their certificates of Participation received at First District Level Archery Championship in Ramanathapuram. #CertificateofParticipation#ArcheryChampionship […]